Friday, May 20, 2011

Thoughts on Spring So Far?

What do you make of our Spring so far? And do you think any of the local forecasters have shown brighter than others in their predictions for this challenging forecasting time of year?


  1. Not sure where we stand with the weather pendulum but it sure feels like time for warmer than normal weather to return in earnest. Yet it doesn't seem to be in the cards based on what the local weathercasters are saying.

  2. Looking like a below average summer ahead for temps, according to the Climate Prediction Center. I just wonder if we'll pay for this in the late summer months, when mother nature balances things out. Here's a link to the CPC site, for anyone who wants it.

  3. This spring has been more depressing than winter. It's far easier to enjoy large amounts of snow than it is rain. What do we have to do to get a dry stretch around here?!?!

  4. What happened to today's forecast of partly sunny??? Or does that actually happen at midnight? LOL
