Saturday, April 14, 2018

Mid-April Blizzard: Historical or Hysterical?

OK, so clearly this storm, now officially a mid-April blizzard, is historical. But how mind-boggling is this? The baseball season is now two weeks old. And let's put to rest once and for all the ill-informed notion that big snowstorms never hit the Twin Cities.

The same storm affecting Minnesota looked like this as the low passed near New Mexico. Howling winds produced blowing and drifting -- just of dust, not snow.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Will April Start Acting Like April?

Most of the natives, except perhaps not winter/snow lovers, are ready for winter to bid adieu. Might we see a rollercoaster before the month is over?

This is a commentary that your trust blogger had published in the Star Tribune 16 years ago. Perhaps it may yet ring true for 2018.