No problem. I for one didn’t want to jinx this opportunity for a decent chunk of snow. Thanks for the thread. Like last winter, snow has been scarce. I hope PWL is doing the snow dance.
Funny, I thought about adding a threat but figured I'd honor WeatherGeek's request. :-) Looks like ignoring set the fuse on the apparently over-achieving storm. (This is Bill)
That’s okay, Bill, the storm is “threatening” enough as is. ;-) Let’s see… still snowing and blowing, winds up to 50 miles per hour, so far 2” to 10” of snow depending upon where you live and how much the wind is blowing, various areas have fog as well. People are encouraged to stay home, schools are closing, no city buses running at this time, power has gone out in various places, and of course lots of car accidents. I live by the airport and usually hear planes starting to land about 4:00 a.m. Have yet to hear one. Cannot hear any freeway noise either and that’s only a block away. (I love the “no noise” part…) And, totally unrelated, there’s a fire in the Uptown area… Temps In the 40’s and 50’s this weekend, but we will lose an hour of sleep (Daylight Savings). How’s all that for an update? MM ;-)
Hmm…Bill…Bill. I used to know a Bill…and a Willie (as in Mays). Planes are flying overhead again (with some frequency) and the freeway is humming along (with an occasional police siren). Oh, lovely--now the monthly test siren has just gone off. What joy. My peaceful morning is now just a memory… (This is Mary)
MSP/CHAN have 2.7" as of 12:54 a.m. update. It's hard to tell what's out there because like Bigdaddy says, it's going sideways. Bill/Dave, you guys are a hoot. Today's going to be slow going. I look forward to the snow totals and maybe going out and walking in the snow globe.
When a storm shuts down Metro Transit for a decent amount of time and necessitates the National Guard to help stranded motorists, that’s a tournament storm you betcha. Happy dance looking at this white stuff.
Pretty impressive storm. I think it was somewhat of a surprise for many as well, especially those who only listen to the local news stations. Novak was the only one several days ago who was sounding the alarm for a pretty big storm. Heck, during Monday evening's (March 3) newscast Kare 11 and WCCO for example were only calling for 1-2 inches for the metro (1 inch around Maple Grove and 2 inches in the Cottage Grove/Woodbury area). Neither even mentioned the possibility of the storm shifting and bringing the metro a whole lot more snow than that. This is why l listen to Novak! Way to go Novak...once again!!
Now I want to know what Novak has to say about mid-March. The last 6 runs or so of both the GFS and Euro have painted a big snowstorm for central and southern Minnesota for around March 14. Fingers crossed!
I understand you are probably tired after this storm, but quickly rest up and start dancing again, PWL!!
Totally agree with you Schnee, I was sitting in the emergency room waiting area Monday evening after bringing in a friend and they had Fox 9 on, evening news with Ian Leonard and he said most of the action will be south and east of the Twin Cities only 1-3” in the metro after some rain…he was so nonchalant about it not even explaining the possibility of a bigger deal when the winter storm watch was literally butted up to the core metro and some models by Monday evening were already increasing totals and impacts. Even on Tuesday on social media he never updated the initial 1-3”….TV Mets play it too safe and conservative.
Hard to believe this blog has been around for 15 Winters already. I love checking in from Charlotte whenever it looks like a storm is headed your way. I miss being in the middle of them, though.
Am I weird, or does anyone else love the impressive size beauty of these Spring storms on radar and satellite? I'm blown away every time.
Final tally was a solid 8” in west metro(GV/New Hope area). Now we clean up…enjoy it for a few days…watch it melt away slowly each day….put on some shorts by Tuesday and then possibly rinse and repeat all over again later next week(looking at late Thurs-Saturday timeframe)….this is what the NWS has to say about it:
The pattern will remain active to the south with relatively weak systems through early week, but late next week bears close watching. Numerous GEFS and EPS members develop another powerhouse low pressure system over the Plains late next week, often with minimum pressures in the 970s mb. EPS is the most tightly clustered in the days 9-10 timeframe with the majority of the members passing over or just to the south. It`s a long ways out to worry about details yet, but there could be another high impact event on the horizon.
We may have had a slow and paltry snow season thus far but March may make up for it, time will tell.
1. Novak nailed it. And nailed it way ahead of anyone else.
2. Where are the bust talkers? Funny how they come out loud and proud when the prediction is off a bit. I wish they would come out and give credit where credit is due - when Novak nails it (which is often).
3. Not too many times does a peace time emergency get called because of the weather. In addition to transit systems being impacted.
4. Rarely does it snow that hard and that fast with that much wind - especially when it has been quite warm.
5. I am tired from dancing. But not too tired!! I am already starting a slow dance as I prep for another possible storm for late next week.
6. I am reminded again and again how conservative TV weather people are. C'mon. At least talk about the possibility. And I would even argue that they downplay the accurate amounts when it happens IF they have underpredicted it. Ian just did this on TV just now. He showed how much the metro received and the amounts - generally drawn on a map - were way off. That is just not ok.
7. I love the commenters on here. You are like virtual friends that keep coming back for more.
No lie re: #6. I listened to 'CCO radio a bit yesterday as I drove around pre-storm, and one forecaster said '2" for the metro' and I said, WHAT? to the radio. Two inches? That was ridiculous. This was pretty epic as you said above, PWL. And yeah, timeanddate which I know I shouldn't look at puts about 8-10" down the weekend after this one (like Bigdaddy says above), so let's see what happens. Maybe this year March WILL be the snowiest month. Finally: Novak is the GOAT of forecasting and has always been since I found this blog many years ago (as Joel mentioned above).
I was a naysayer. I own it. Not sure why I wasn’t following Novak. Novak did nail it! I believe he was the only one.
I stand by everything I said about this winter. It’s been the second consecutive pathetic winter for snow. Last March gave us a couple decent snowfalls, but we still ended with very disappointing snow totals for the season. This March might be a repeat of last March, especially if we can pull off another big storm or two. Yes, I will be checking in with Novak to see what his thoughts are about that.
I love the people on this site too (Big Daddy, it’s good to see you on here again. I saw familiar posters this season such as PWL, Schnee Meister, Weather Geek, etc, but I don’t recall seeing you). I love winter, especially snow! It feels good to be able to communicate with all of you that share my interest in winter and the weather in general. I look forward to this site starting every October!
I was traveling for work, so I missed this storm...grrr. But I just saw a post by the US NWS on Facebook with a 7-day alert and have our area in likelihood of heavy snow and high winds March 13-14. Anyone else seeing that?
I'm seeing a ton of rain and warm temps. :+( Hoping it changes. If it could cool down, that chunk of rain could be an excellent snowfall. Sorry you missed this storm, Big Snow Fan.
Nothing to see next week around March 14-15, too warm! Mostly all rain, even Novak is on record calling for rain. Too bad to you snowlovers because someone will get buried and it looks like the Dakotas with feets of snow not just inches.
As others have said, hope for a big snowstorm late next week in the metro is being dashed. The GFS and Euro were advertising a big snowstorm late next in run after run. Now run after run they have the storm passing to the west of us. As of now it looks like a big storm for the Dakotas and warm rain for the metro. The way this season has gone we can’t be too surprised about this, just disappointed.
For what it’s worth, regarding next week’s storm, the latest GFS is reflecting a more southern track before heading northeast through central/eastern MN, as opposed to tracking through eastern South Dakota. It will be interesting to see if this becomes a trend, and if so, will it continue? .
Novak just posted 70 degrees is not out of the question next Friday and neither is a low of 50 degrees for next Saturday. So much for our hopes of having another snowstorm next week. This is why I don’t get excited when models show something fun a week or more away.
70° temps forecasted not once but twice this week, yeah snow is done and winter is done, a winter that performed believe it or not worse then last year!
Folks let’s not sleep on the Fri/Sat storm system and all this winter is over talk! Nice it’s a warm week but Saturday looks like it can turn wild around here, like a 40°+ temp drop from the day before to flash freezers and accumulating snow(not sure how much but it will snow, many models bringing decent snows nearby)so watch Saturday for sure and then the following week will be cooler with snow potentials….i think obviously March has already been a roller coaster in terms of temps and precipitation and it will continue the rest of the mont, snow is not done with us, mark my words!
Thanks for the update, Bigdaddy. If we get close to an inch of rain.... oh that it could be snow. Flash freezing I do not wish upon anyone; I already have a friend who slipped after last Wednesday's big storm and she broke her leg in three places. But yeah, our rollercoaster of temp/precip swings continues and like you say, 'snow is not done with us, mark my words!' Let's see how the weekend plays out.
A summation of 'winter thus far' from Mr. Douglas in the Strib: "Every winter is different, peculiar in its own special way. Meteorological winter (Dec. 1 through Feb. 28) was the 18th least snowiest at MSP. Only 15 inches had fallen as of March 1. Last Wednesday’s snow blitz brought the metro area’s snow total up to 25.6 inches. We should have picked up more than 43” by now.
Winter was .4 degrees colder than average at MSP, tied for the 44th warmest since 1871. We had 27 subzero nights. The 30-year average is 22 nights below zero. Based on NWS Heating Degree data, since late summer we’ve actually spent 9% less on heating bills than average. Yes, last fall was balmy. And dry."
You guys are the best. I appreciate the kind comments.
One of the biggest issues we have in the weather industry is with all the cooks in the kitchen, including me. There are so many outlets/people who throw out forecasts to the public & many of these individuals simply don't do enough homework ahead of time to justify their forecasts. This leads to a ton of miscommunication between the industry & the public. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "well they said that" or "You said that...." when I didn't. Quite frankly, I trust many more social media weather outlets and/or arm chair QB forecasters than I do the front facing TV, Radio & Newspaper outlets.
BTW, the storm for next Wednesday really looks impressive even 6 days out. I'm pretty confident that someone in southern MN will be digging out from 6.0"+ of snow.
How great to see Mr. Novak over here saying hello. And yes, wow, Wednesday looks like there is a chance we get a reasonable chunk of snow. That would be so beautiful!!! I follow you religiously over on FB, Novak. G.O.A.T. Thanks for visiting.
Yeah I’ll take the bullet for Saturday, definitely looks like a swing and a miss….it will turn colder and maybe snow in the air but I don’t see anything more then a dusting now whereas before models were bringing something more plowable close to the metro. But like I said in my earlier post next week has potential and that we weren’t done with the snow, well Wednesday come be a high impact day, just looking at a few models as of the 00z overnight models the Canadian and GFS has 1-2ft of snows for us and the Euro has something similar but mostly Wisconsin, so yeah the potential is there. Thank you for your input Novak, love it when you chime in here and also love your posts on X as well, come back in a few days and give us your thoughts on Wednesday, hopefully it will pack a punch for us metro snow lovers.
One of my favorite sites that always changes its mind just put out 16" of snow over the metro this coming Wednesday. Can you IMAGINE it? Let's see what we really get.
Great to see you stop by, Novak! As the others have said, you are Da Man! When I want accurate, in-depth forecasts you are my go to guy. Keep up the good work…and please try to bring the metro a nice snowstorm next Wednesday!
No problem. I for one didn’t want to jinx this opportunity for a decent chunk of snow. Thanks for the thread. Like last winter, snow has been scarce. I hope PWL is doing the snow dance.
ReplyDeleteYou bet, WeatherGeek!! I am dancing like a maniac. Doing the maniac dance! It's working!
ReplyDeleteBring it!!
Funny, I thought about adding a threat but figured I'd honor WeatherGeek's request. :-) Looks like ignoring set the fuse on the apparently over-achieving storm. (This is Bill)
ReplyDeleteThat’s okay, Bill, the storm is “threatening” enough as is. ;-) Let’s see… still snowing and blowing, winds up to 50 miles per hour, so far 2” to 10” of snow depending upon where you live and how much the wind is blowing, various areas have fog as well. People are encouraged to stay home, schools are closing, no city buses running at this time, power has gone out in various places, and of course lots of car accidents. I live by the airport and usually hear planes starting to land about 4:00 a.m. Have yet to hear one. Cannot hear any freeway noise either and that’s only a block away. (I love the “no noise” part…) And, totally unrelated, there’s a fire in the Uptown area… Temps In the 40’s and 50’s this weekend, but we will lose an hour of sleep (Daylight Savings). How’s all that for an update? MM ;-)
DeleteI love it! Thanks, MM. (This is Bill)
DeleteHmm…Bill…Bill. I used to know a Bill…and a Willie (as in Mays). Planes are flying overhead again (with some frequency) and the freeway is humming along (with an occasional police siren). Oh, lovely--now the monthly test siren has just gone off. What joy. My peaceful morning is now just a memory… (This is Mary)
DeleteSnowing hard and sideways. 5” currently(but hard to measure) west metro GV.
ReplyDeleteMSP/CHAN have 2.7" as of 12:54 a.m. update. It's hard to tell what's out there because like Bigdaddy says, it's going sideways. Bill/Dave, you guys are a hoot. Today's going to be slow going. I look forward to the snow totals and maybe going out and walking in the snow globe.
ReplyDeleteWhen a storm shuts down Metro Transit for a decent amount of time and necessitates the National Guard to help stranded motorists, that’s a tournament storm you betcha. Happy dance looking at this white stuff.
ReplyDeletePretty impressive storm. I think it was somewhat of a surprise for many as well, especially those who only listen to the local news stations. Novak was the only one several days ago who was sounding the alarm for a pretty big storm. Heck, during Monday evening's (March 3) newscast Kare 11 and WCCO for example were only calling for 1-2 inches for the metro (1 inch around Maple Grove and 2 inches in the Cottage Grove/Woodbury area). Neither even mentioned the possibility of the storm shifting and bringing the metro a whole lot more snow than that. This is why l listen to Novak! Way to go Novak...once again!!
ReplyDeleteNow I want to know what Novak has to say about mid-March. The last 6 runs or so of both the GFS and Euro have painted a big snowstorm for central and southern Minnesota for around March 14. Fingers crossed!
I understand you are probably tired after this storm, but quickly rest up and start dancing again, PWL!!
Totally agree with you Schnee, I was sitting in the emergency room waiting area Monday evening after bringing in a friend and they had Fox 9 on, evening news with Ian Leonard and he said most of the action will be south and east of the Twin Cities only 1-3” in the metro after some rain…he was so nonchalant about it not even explaining the possibility of a bigger deal when the winter storm watch was literally butted up to the core metro and some models by Monday evening were already increasing totals and impacts. Even on Tuesday on social media he never updated the initial 1-3”….TV Mets play it too safe and conservative.
DeleteHard to believe this blog has been around for 15 Winters already. I love checking in from Charlotte whenever it looks like a storm is headed your way. I miss being in the middle of them, though.
ReplyDeleteAm I weird, or does anyone else love the impressive size beauty of these Spring storms on radar and satellite? I'm blown away every time.
Final tally was a solid 8” in west metro(GV/New Hope area). Now we clean up…enjoy it for a few days…watch it melt away slowly each day….put on some shorts by Tuesday and then possibly rinse and repeat all over again later next week(looking at late Thurs-Saturday timeframe)….this is what the NWS has to say about it:
ReplyDeleteThe pattern will remain active to the south with relatively weak
systems through early week, but late next week bears close
watching. Numerous GEFS and EPS members develop another
powerhouse low pressure system over the Plains late next week,
often with minimum pressures in the 970s mb. EPS is the most
tightly clustered in the days 9-10 timeframe with the majority
of the members passing over or just to the south. It`s a long
ways out to worry about details yet, but there could be another
high impact event on the horizon.
We may have had a slow and paltry snow season thus far but March may make up for it, time will tell.
Several takeaways from this storm:
ReplyDelete1. Novak nailed it. And nailed it way ahead of anyone else.
2. Where are the bust talkers? Funny how they come out loud and proud when the prediction is off a bit. I wish they would come out and give credit where credit is due - when Novak nails it (which is often).
3. Not too many times does a peace time emergency get called because of the weather. In addition to transit systems being impacted.
4. Rarely does it snow that hard and that fast with that much wind - especially when it has been quite warm.
5. I am tired from dancing. But not too tired!! I am already starting a slow dance as I prep for another possible storm for late next week.
6. I am reminded again and again how conservative TV weather people are. C'mon. At least talk about the possibility. And I would even argue that they downplay the accurate amounts when it happens IF they have underpredicted it. Ian just did this on TV just now. He showed how much the metro received and the amounts - generally drawn on a map - were way off. That is just not ok.
7. I love the commenters on here. You are like virtual friends that keep coming back for more.
8. Bring it!!!!!
No lie re: #6. I listened to 'CCO radio a bit yesterday as I drove around pre-storm, and one forecaster said '2" for the metro' and I said, WHAT? to the radio. Two inches? That was ridiculous. This was pretty epic as you said above, PWL. And yeah, timeanddate which I know I shouldn't look at puts about 8-10" down the weekend after this one (like Bigdaddy says above), so let's see what happens. Maybe this year March WILL be the snowiest month. Finally: Novak is the GOAT of forecasting and has always been since I found this blog many years ago (as Joel mentioned above).
DeleteI was a naysayer. I own it. Not sure why I wasn’t following Novak. Novak did nail it! I believe he was the only one.
DeleteI stand by everything I said about this winter. It’s been the second consecutive pathetic winter for snow. Last March gave us a couple decent snowfalls, but we still ended with very disappointing snow totals for the season. This March might be a repeat of last March, especially if we can pull off another big storm or two. Yes, I will be checking in with Novak to see what his thoughts are about that.
I love the people on this site too (Big Daddy, it’s good to see you on here again. I saw familiar posters this season such as PWL, Schnee Meister, Weather Geek, etc, but I don’t recall seeing you). I love winter, especially snow! It feels good to be able to communicate with all of you that share my interest in winter and the weather in general. I look forward to this site starting every October!
Officially 9.5 at MSP. Very decent. 7.4 at Chan. Woot woot!!
DeleteI was traveling for work, so I missed this storm...grrr. But I just saw a post by the US NWS on Facebook with a 7-day alert and have our area in likelihood of heavy snow and high winds March 13-14. Anyone else seeing that?
ReplyDeleteI'm seeing a ton of rain and warm temps. :+( Hoping it changes. If it could cool down, that chunk of rain could be an excellent snowfall. Sorry you missed this storm, Big Snow Fan.
DeleteNothing to see next week around March 14-15, too warm! Mostly all rain, even Novak is on record calling for rain. Too bad to you snowlovers because someone will get buried and it looks like the Dakotas with feets of snow not just inches.
ReplyDeleteAs others have said, hope for a big snowstorm late next week in the metro is being dashed. The GFS and Euro were advertising a big snowstorm late next in run after run. Now run after run they have the storm passing to the west of us. As of now it looks like a big storm for the Dakotas and warm rain for the metro. The way this season has gone we can’t be too surprised about this, just disappointed.
ReplyDeleteFor what it’s worth, regarding next week’s storm, the latest GFS is reflecting a more southern track before heading northeast through central/eastern MN, as opposed to tracking through eastern South Dakota. It will be interesting to see if this becomes a trend, and if so, will it continue? .
ReplyDeleteNovak just posted 70 degrees is not out of the question next Friday and neither is a low of 50 degrees for next Saturday. So much for our hopes of having another snowstorm next week. This is why I don’t get excited when models show something fun a week or more away.
ReplyDelete70° temps forecasted not once but twice this week, yeah snow is done and winter is done, a winter that performed believe it or not worse then last year!
ReplyDeleteFolks let’s not sleep on the Fri/Sat storm system and all this winter is over talk! Nice it’s a warm week but Saturday looks like it can turn wild around here, like a 40°+ temp drop from the day before to flash freezers and accumulating snow(not sure how much but it will snow, many models bringing decent snows nearby)so watch Saturday for sure and then the following week will be cooler with snow potentials….i think obviously March has already been a roller coaster in terms of temps and precipitation and it will continue the rest of the mont, snow is not done with us, mark my words!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update, Bigdaddy. If we get close to an inch of rain.... oh that it could be snow. Flash freezing I do not wish upon anyone; I already have a friend who slipped after last Wednesday's big storm and she broke her leg in three places. But yeah, our rollercoaster of temp/precip swings continues and like you say, 'snow is not done with us, mark my words!' Let's see how the weekend plays out.
DeleteA summation of 'winter thus far' from Mr. Douglas in the Strib: "Every winter is different, peculiar in its own special way. Meteorological winter (Dec. 1 through Feb. 28) was the 18th least snowiest at MSP. Only 15 inches had fallen as of March 1. Last Wednesday’s snow blitz brought the metro area’s snow total up to 25.6 inches. We should have picked up more than 43” by now.
ReplyDeleteWinter was .4 degrees colder than average at MSP, tied for the 44th warmest since 1871. We had 27 subzero nights. The 30-year average is 22 nights below zero. Based on NWS Heating Degree data, since late summer we’ve actually spent 9% less on heating bills than average. Yes, last fall was balmy. And dry."
You guys are the best. I appreciate the kind comments.
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest issues we have in the weather industry is with all the cooks in the kitchen, including me. There are so many outlets/people who throw out forecasts to the public & many of these individuals simply don't do enough homework ahead of time to justify their forecasts. This leads to a ton of miscommunication between the industry & the public. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "well they said that" or "You said that...." when I didn't. Quite frankly, I trust many more social media weather outlets and/or arm chair QB forecasters than I do the front facing TV, Radio & Newspaper outlets.
BTW, the storm for next Wednesday really looks impressive even 6 days out. I'm pretty confident that someone in southern MN will be digging out from 6.0"+ of snow.
How great to see Mr. Novak over here saying hello. And yes, wow, Wednesday looks like there is a chance we get a reasonable chunk of snow. That would be so beautiful!!! I follow you religiously over on FB, Novak. G.O.A.T. Thanks for visiting.
DeleteNovak made an appearance! Love it. Love him. Love it. Love him. Love it. Love him. I think I made my feelings clear!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for chiming in, Novak. You. Da. Man.
And bring it next week!!!
Yeah I’ll take the bullet for Saturday, definitely looks like a swing and a miss….it will turn colder and maybe snow in the air but I don’t see anything more then a dusting now whereas before models were bringing something more plowable close to the metro. But like I said in my earlier post next week has potential and that we weren’t done with the snow, well Wednesday come be a high impact day, just looking at a few models as of the 00z overnight models the Canadian and GFS has 1-2ft of snows for us and the Euro has something similar but mostly Wisconsin, so yeah the potential is there.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your input Novak, love it when you chime in here and also love your posts on X as well, come back in a few days and give us your thoughts on Wednesday, hopefully it will pack a punch for us metro snow lovers.
One of my favorite sites that always changes its mind just put out 16" of snow over the metro this coming Wednesday. Can you IMAGINE it? Let's see what we really get.
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you stop by, Novak! As the others have said, you are Da Man! When I want accurate, in-depth forecasts you are my go to guy. Keep up the good work…and please try to bring the metro a nice snowstorm next Wednesday!